onsdag 29. april 2009

Film på tv ikveld

TV2 Zebra kl. 23:40 Assassination of Richard Nixon(The Assassination of Richard Nixon) Amerikansk drama fra 2004. Det er vinteren 1974 i USA, en tid med store politiske brytninger, og Samuel J. Bicke er en 44 år gammel mann med et brennende ønske om å tro på noe. Han bestemmer seg for at den eneste måten han kan vinne tilbake sitt ubetydelige liv på, er å utføre en storslått, historisk gest som vil bidra til at hans nærvær merkes. Medvirkende:Sean Penn, Don Cheadle, Jack Thompson og Michael Wincott. Regi:Niels Mueller. (15. år) Programmet slutter kl. 01:15

Du kan lese om den virkelige Sam Byck HER
Og dette skrev en begeistret kinogjenger på IMDB dengang:

"The most moving film I've seen in years, 16 November 2004
I caught this film at AFI primarily due to my interest in Sean Penn and indeed his performance is spectacular. But Mr. Penn's performance alone is not what makes this a truly great film. The intelligent writing, well-timed and rich score, and supportive performances by Naomi Watts, Jack Thompson and Don Cheadle blend perfectly in this marvelously crafted feature transporting the viewer into the lives and era of the exquisitely human characters who are so elegantly portrayed. Sean Penn's performance leans heavily on the clever and complex writing which offers him the opportunity to display an impressive range of pathos. The writers have managed to depict the very human and sympathetic side of a character that would typically be cast as the villain. I think this is a hugely important film for that reason and on many other levels as well. The writers are able to very subtly include sociopolitical commentary without being "in your face" or at all judgmental as the political arena is viewed through the lead character's eyes yet not really distorted due to the inclusion of archival footage. The unexpected doses of humor matched perfectly with the poignancy of the lead character's plight. This film is so moving, scenes and dialogue echo in the corners of the mind for days after the first viewing. I'll definitely be seeing Assassination again."
Min kommentar:
Aldri i verden om jeg vil se denne filmen flere ganger. Velspilt av Sean Penn, javisst, - men en langsom og veldig deprimerende historie. Jeg angrer på at jeg så den like før sengetid.

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